Programmatic Advertising For B2B Marketing

The Role of Programmatic Advertising in B2B Marketing

Programmatic display advertising (or programmatic marketing) is the automated buying of ad space across the digital landscape—display, mobile, video, social, etc. It’s how your branded content reaches the screens of users doing conventional internet or social media browsing.

The not-so-secret secret of B2B marketing is to target directly to an account—by company, job title, or another deciding factor. Programmatic advertising (like content marketing ) in B2B marketing functions similarly, allowing your company to efficiently reach the job titles at the organizations you’re targeting with unique messaging for each, so your ad only appears when you know it will make the most impact. Then, effectively utilizing third-party intent data—which lets you know when a specific account is “in-market” to ensure your targets are actually ready to buy your products or servicesyou can bid higher and deepen engagement to fuel interaction and push the account down the funnel.

In its simplest definition, programmatic is a B2B digital marketing channel that gives you greater control over refining ads and audiences by allowing customization of the following:

With programmatic advertising, you only pay for relevant impressions on ads. When you only pay for relevant impressions, you’re investing money in ads that are more likely to lead to conversions.

Advantages of Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising provides incredible benefits to both demand generation and account-based marketing (ABM) campaigns because of the increased control over target audiences and the ability to customize campaigns. With programmatic marketing, the list of potential audiences gets narrowed down to targets who “will be interested in your campaign.” Additionally, you can create custom campaigns and campaign goals to align with the behaviors and needs of the refined target audience lists.

The automated bidding process is designed to be budget-conscious by analyzing user data and delivering ads to users fitting established criteria without the back and forth of negotiations. This data-driven approach maximizes ad spend because it allows advertisers to target high-value users cost-effectively, and it identifies users who are likely to monetize in the future. With negotiations cut out of the process, marketers can be certain the ad spend is used as efficiently as possible.

Programmatic advertising also lends itself to creating scalable marketing campaigns. Marketers no longer need to do the leg work to seek out potential target matches; the process is entirely automated and reaches across many publisher platforms simultaneously, making scaling campaigns much more straightforward and simple.

Our team at The ABM Agency utilizes multiple marketing techniques and tools synergistically in order to achieve the best ROI for your business. While programmatic advertising isn’t always the principal technique in B2B marketing, it is a useful tool for targeting certain important demographics. When you’re scouting and attempting to secure enterprise-level clients, it’s often best to utilize multiple effective tactics in tandem. Our agency creates custom content for programmatic marketing campaigns that can be tailored to a custom demographic, and then only displayed to that demographic, so you’re not wasting marketing spend on buyers who aren’t interested in your product.

In 2020, 69% of digital media will be programmatic.

How The ABM Agency Views Programmatic Advertising—And Takes Your B2B Marketing Strategy to the Next Level

1. Select and Prioritize Audience

We said it once, and we’ll say it again: Targeting the right accounts with the right message at the right time is everything in B2B marketing and programmatic advertising. We then identify qualifying behaviors and tailor ads, content, and strategy around your company’s needs. Whether it’s female banking administrators who browse CRM software on their lunch breaks, or male retail industry professionals on a short-cycle buying committee, The ABM Agency can reach the audience that will take notice of the product or service you’re trying to offer.

2. Coordinate Content

There’s no one-sizes-fits-all in a B2B marketing or specifically programmatic strategy. Programmatic content can be dispersed piecemeal, on a situational basis. You can choose to target which platforms run a particular piece of content and have that element queued to be available whenever a buyer that’s of interest to you lands on one of your approved publisher’s pages. Whenever that occurs, our Supply Side Platform (SSP) will place a bid for your ad to appear on whatever that platform is.

3. Monitor Content

If your ad bid is highest, your content appears in that sought-after space. We monitor ad trends continually to ensure that your CPM or CPC still yields a powerful ROI, and we utilize multiple paid ad platforms to ensure that your pay rate matches the exposure volume that makes sense for your campaign, whether it’s account-based or otherwise. We monitor the number of impressions that your content is getting week by week, to ensure that your content is always being seen, no matter how razor-thin your competitor’s margins are.

Get Started With The ABM Agency

At The ABM Agency, we have the tools needed to supercharge your sales team and save your business time, money, and frustration while incorporating B2B marketing strategies, including programmatic advertising, into your business model. Our marketing specialists are the only industry veterans in Atlanta with the understanding and experience needed to assess the current fitness of your brand identity and offer the solutions needed for your business to support an active and lucrative B2B marketing campaign.
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