Account-Based Marketing for MedTech

There’s no question priorities have shifted in the MedTech industry in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic—whether your organization saw unprecedented growth or continues to face challenges on the revenue front. The decreased desire for in-person sales meetings has been met by the need for online visibility; customer-side budget restraints led to more complex buying committees. At the same time, MedTech marketers must search for ways to prepare for long-term recovery and remain resilient yet competitive.

That’s where The ABM Agency comes in. As a B2B digital marketing agency, we partner with our MedTech clients to identify new opportunities and create effective digital campaigns that reach those with buying power—while simultaneously navigating the intricacies of the industry’s requirements and restrictions.

Full-Service MedTech Account Based Marketing or Plug In Where You Need Help

1. Strategy

We start with a personalized MedTech digital marketing strategy—who is your buyer persona? What does the buyer’s journey look like? Once we’ve come to a consensus, we’ll strategize the campaign assets, the type of messaging to move forward with, and the best way to track the accounts moving through the sales funnel.

2. Assets

MedTech digital marketing must address both human needs and corporate goals—a challenging task when dealing with ad sets, blog posts, or longer-form case studies and white papers. It’s also the only way to engage those high-value, in-market accounts and push them in the direction of conversion. Our content creators are at the ready.

3. Channels

If you can’t reach your target accounts in person, then you must reach them online, in a true omnichannel approach. Content marketing, programmatic, SEO, PPC, paid social, and marketing automation play vital roles in developing the types of holistic B2B digital marketing campaigns we execute for MedTech companies.

4. Integration

You don’t need to worry about the type of platforms your team currently uses and if they’ll work with a digital marketing agency. Our analysts are agnostic when it comes to digital marketing tools. If you use WordPress, we will too. If you aren’t satisfied with your current tech stack, we’ll help you develop a new system—and build a customized dashboard your entire team can use.

5. Reporting

There’s enough uncertainty in the MedTech industry right now—you need reporting methods that leave you feeling informed. Our account scoring reporting structure looks at a selection of metrics across your campaigns—intent data, page views, on-site interaction, campaign score, and content score—in order to score and rank campaign performance and determine a target’s position within the sales funnel.

Account-Based Marketing and Demand Generation for B2B MedTech Companies

If you aren’t able to get your value proposition in front of the right audience, you can’t move forward. Doing so, however, requires data, insights, and a 360-degree view of the customer journey—three things that can be provided by account-based marketing (ABM) and demand generation strategies.

Account-Based Marketing


Successful MedTech digital marketing occurs when a campaign reaches new audiences, capitalizes on high-value opportunities, and maintains an impressive ROI. Account-based marketing is a scalable, data-driven strategy that achieves the aforementioned KPIs using a personalized one-to-one or one-to-few approach and incorporating a few specific ABM tools (data visualization, company match software, etc) into your tech stack.
Demand generation strategies, on the other hand, comes into play if your MedTech company is looking to build a larger market share or create buzz around your product or service. The demand generation focus is on discoverability, awareness, and interest, which is ideal when your target account list might not be aware they need what you offer. Both ABM and demand generation use an omnichannel approach and tailored digital marketing assets and activations to acquire high-value customers.

Our Omnichannel Digital Marketing Approach to ABM for MedTech

Reaching the complex buying committee requires a web of digital channels

1. Content Marketing

MedTech content marketing can be a time and resource-consuming investment, but it’s absolutely necessary—if you want to be trusted by your prospective customers. The key here, though, is to tailor, target, then tailor your content again.

2. Programmatic

Ads in the MedTech space have become more targeted than ever before, resulting in greater control over whom you target and what you target with. For advertisers, programmatic is the most effective channel to leverage more humanized, personalized marketing.

3. SEO

According to a 2020 study from Google, “51% of B2B buyers have increased their use of search” since the onset of the pandemic. Without SEO (search engine optimization) strategies and the chance to present your value to an in-market account, you’re guaranteed to miss profitable opportunities.

4. PPC

The most commonly used paid search model, PPC works hand in hand with both programmatic and SEO to ensure your website and content reach those searching for what you offer.

5. LinkedIn

Forget Facebook and Instagram. LinkedIn is where you’ll be able to target your exact buyer profile by industry, organization, and even job title or position within the company.

6. Marketing Automation

Adopting what McKinsey calls a “customer service mindset,” MedTech companies need to place value on the entire customer journey. Building relationships with both current client and potential clients is made simpler and easier to execute with marketing automation tools.

Is your MedTech company in need of a B2B digital marketing agency?

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